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January 29, 2021

Kaffeeklatsch Signups Start February 3rd – Boskone 58 Update

The interactive Boskone schedule and event website will be available for members to explore starting on February 1, 2021. We encourage everyone to log into their account to ensure that they can get in smoothly and easily. Once logged in, you can start building your personal agenda, set up your profile, and get familiar with the event platform.

Kaffeeklatch signups will begin on February 3rd at 12:00 noon (U.S. Eastern Time). We have built in a couple days delay to ensure that everyone has a chance to successfully log into the event platform so that members have an equal opportunity for signing up for the Kaffeeklatsch of their choice.

Pre-Convention Activities:

  • Available Now: Register to attend virtual Boskone 58 – Register HERE!
  • Starting February 1: Sign into the event platform and familiarize yourself with the site.*
    • Update your personal profile with things you want to share including your bio, photo, etc.
    • Personalize your schedule with your must-attend items.
  • Starting February 3: Sign up for Kaffeeklatsches with your favorite creators.

*Please note that some features will only become available during the live convention.

This post has been edited to include images related to signing up for a kaffeeklatsch.

Clicking the heart icon adds regular program items to your personalized schedule.

For kaffeeklatches, you need to actually sign up for them. Favoriting them does not add your name to the list of attendees for the item.

You have to click on the “+” sign once it is visible, which should be around 12:00 noon on Wednesday, February 3, 2021.


BOSKONE 58 is almost here! Register today and let us know you are coming. We look forward to seeing you there.

 With 3 days of over 100 top-notch items paired with top authors, scientists, artists, and creators in the science fiction, fantasy and horror industry, you won’t want to miss out. A Boskone 58 membership is only $25! Join your fellow fans and writers by registering today!

Register for Boskone 57!
Don’t miss out! Register for Boskone 58 today!

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