To help clarify the process of signing up for a kaffeeklatch at Boskone 59, we’re put together this simple set of instructions so that everyone knows what to expect.
In-person Kaffeeklatsches
For logistical reasons, only in-person members are able to sign up for and to attend in-person kaffeeklatsches. In-person members can sign up for kaffeeklatsches at the Program Ops table in the Harbor Foyer, near the Registration table. The sign up sheets are available on a rolling schedule to give everyone a better chance of attending the kaffeeklatches they most want to attend. Kaffeeklatsches will take place in the Galleria. Space is limited to 10 Boskone members.
Sign up sheets will be available at the following times:
- No Friday Kaffeeklatsches Sign up not available
- Saturday 10:00 am – 11:00 am Sign up sheets available at 12:00 pm Friday
- Saturday 12:00 pm – 7:00 pm Sign up sheets available at 10:00 am Saturday
- Sunday 10:00 am – 11:00 am Sign up sheets available at 10:00 am Saturday
VIRTUAL Kaffeeklatsches
Both virtual and in-person members are able to sign up for and to attend VIRTUAL kaffeeklatsches. The sign up process is managed online and can be accessed through the emailed link to the virtualization site for Boskone 59. You can only access the special virtualization site through the link in your email, not through the general Boskone website.
All VIRTUAL kaffeeklatsches will be held in Zoom and all members who sign up to attend one of these virtual sessions need to provide their own connection and equipment for logging into the virtualization site and into the Zoom meeting.
You must log into the virtualization site to reserve your seat in advance. Space is limited to 15 Boskone members.
Virtual sign up will be available at the following times:
- Friday 3:00 pm – 10:00 pm Sign up available at 12:00 pm Friday
- Saturday 10:00 am – 11:00 am Sign up available at 12:00 pm Friday
- Saturday 12:00 pm – 7:00 pm Sign up available at 10:00 am Saturday
- Sunday 8:00 am – 12:00 pm Sign up available at 10:00 am Saturday