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February 18-20, 2022 — Westin Boston Seaport District
February 9, 2015

Kaffeeklatches, Fan Tables, and Fun at Boskone

Two long-time favorites at Boskone are the Kaffeeklatches and the Fan Tables. Be sure to check out both and enjoy your time at Boskone. We’re looking forward to seeing you there!



Kaffeeklatsches provide a wonderful opportunity to join your favorite new or returning program participants over coffee, tea, or soda for an informal roundtable discussion. Drinks are available in the Con Suite.

Each kaffeeklatch is 50 minutes in length and takes place in the Galleria on the raised platform at the back of the room.

Attendance is limited. Sign-up is required at Program Ops in the Galleria to secure your seat at the table. Sign-up sheets are available the day before the Saturday and Sunday kaffeeklatsches. However, the Friday kaffeeklatch sign-up sheets are available at the opening of the convention.


4:00 PM     Jordan Hamessley, Lawrence Schoen
5:00 PM     Jeff Bohnhoff, Vincent O’Neil
6:00 PM     Max Gladstone, Neil Clarke & Kate Baker

10:00 AM   Dana Cameron, Charles Lang & Wendy Snow-Lang
11:00 AM   Steven Brust, Steven Kelner & Leigh Perry (Tony Kelner)
12:00 PM   Joan Slonczewski, Andrea Hairston
1:00 PM     Charles Stross, Bob Eggleton
2:00 PM     Guy Consolmagno, Michael Swanwick
3:00 PM     Elizabeth Bear & Scott Lynch, Jo Walton
4:00 PM     Walter Jon Williams, Beth Meacham
5:00 PM     Walter Hunt, Myke Cole

10:00 AM   David Clements, Bruce Coville
11:00 AM   Ginjer Buchanan, Mur Lafferty
12:00 PM   John Langan, Jack Haringa
1:00 PM     Patrick & Teresa Nielsen Hayden
2:00 PM     Karl Schroeder

Fan Tables

Fan Tables are a great way to learn about upcoming Worldcons and Worldcon bids as well as other local conventions and groups. The people at the Boskone Fan Tables are waiting to talk to you, on the lower level, just outside the Galleria. Be sure to stop by and say hello.

Here is a list of the Fan Tables that are currently confirmed. You can find out more about the Fan Tables on Boskone’s website.

ConCertino The Northeast Filk Music Convention

June 19 — 21, 2015

DC17 Worldcon Bid

Washington, DC Worldcon Bid

Dublin in 2019 Worldcon Bid

Dublin2019 Worldcon Bid

Helsinki in 2017 Worldcon Bid 

Helsinki 2017 Worldcon Bid

MidAmeriCon II 2016 Worldcon

Worldcon |Kansas City, MO | August 17-21 2016

Montreal in 2017 Worldcon Bid

Montreal 2017 Worldcon Bid

 Sasquan 2015 Worldcon

Worldcon | Spokane, Washington, USA | August 19-23, 2015

Star Trek: New Voyages/Phase II Fan Club

Star Trek: New Voyages/Phase II Fan Club

Register for Boskone today. Join us February 13-15, 2015

Register for Boskone!

Full Weekend Rates:

  • Adult rate: $60
  • College student rate: $40
  • K-12 student rate: $25

Day Rates:

  • Friday: $20
  • Saturday: $40
  • Sunday: $20