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February 18-20, 2022 — Westin Boston Seaport District
November 15, 2020

Boskone 58 Various Quick Updates

Hello Boskone Community,

This is just a very short update on a variety of topics as we work to whip our virtual convention into shape. A more robust set up updates will be included in Hulmuth, Boskone email newsletter.

Galleria Type Activities:
We are currently pulling together our plans to host a Dealers Space, an Art Show, and a Sponsors page for our friends to share their wares, works, and organizations with us. That information will be on the website shortly.

Program Update:
Our program team, led by James Boggie, has begun sending out program invitations via email. We are building a big program for a virtual convention, and we hope to invite a large contingent of our regulars as well as participants who are new to Boskone. While we will only be able to invite about 2/3 of our normal number of program participants, we are trying to include as many people as possible.

Program Invitations & Spam Folders:
As usual, program is sending the invitations and surveys through the Grenadine database from the email address Many of the invitations are being caught in spam filters and going unanswered. If you have requested a survey or hoped to receive one (without having asked for one) and you don’t see it in your in box, please check your spam filters. Emails started going out on November 9th. If you would like to be considered for programming, please contact us at

We Need Volunteers:
While there aren’t any heavy boxes to haul around, trucks to load, food to slice and set out, objects to build, etc., we still need volunteers. Some of the key areas are for data entry, people with web experience, people with online tech experience, and online room hosts, etc. If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out our Volunteer Form for Boskone 58. Thank you!

Registration / Memberships:
Memberships are now available online for purchase at the low “virtual” price of $25 per person. We hope you are able to join us! Purchase your membership today.

Opt-in and Receive the Boskone Online Newsletter: Helmuth
We send out an occasional newsletter to our community members to update them throughout the year. Over the next 4 months, the newsletter will become a monthly mailing. Opt-in now and get Boskone’s news sent directly to your in box.

Sign Up for the Boskone Newsletter!

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Thank you for being a part of our community and for bearing with us as we navigate the virtual water of con running. We are excited about Virtual Boskone 58 and look forward to a fantastic event with you and our entire community.