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February 18-20, 2022 — Westin Boston Seaport District
February 8, 2015

Get the Boskone 52 Program: Booklet, Grid & Ap

Get with the Boskone 52 program! The program was published online in mid January, but now we have a variety of other program tools for you to use when choosing what to attend and when to attend it. Here’s a list of the options so that you can choose what is right for you.

Bur sure to check out the fantastic evening programming on both Friday and Saturday nights. We’ll see you there!

Boskone Program Website

B52-Program-WebsiteReference the complete program for Boskone 52 on the website!

Pocket Program PDF

B52 Program Font CoverThe PDF of the Pocket program is now available!

Of course, we’ll have printed copies of the Boskone 52 Pocket Program for you to pickup, mark up, and carry around with you at the convention.

However, to get you started, you’re welcome to download a copy of the new Pocket Program PDF.


Program Grid

B52PGridImageFor those of you who prefer not to carry around the printed Pocket Program, the Program Grid for Boskone 52 is now available as a PDF.

It’s a nice visual way to see what to attend and when.

Program Ap

Boskone 52 Program Ap by KonOpasBe sure to bookmark the Boskone 52 Program Application (designed by KonOpas for your smartphone, tablet or computer. This schedule will be continually updated as things change.

Many thanks to Eemeli Aro, Henry Balen, Peter Olszowka, Sharon Sbarsky, Alice Lewis & Tim Szczesuil for making this happen!

[Boskone 52 Program Ap by KonOpas.]

Register for Boskone today.