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February 18-20, 2022 — Westin Boston Seaport District

A blast from the past

At Boskone 50, attendees were treated to the covers of Boskone’s past, blown up to poster size and hung around the Galleria. It’s amazing to think of the rich history that Boskone holds for those in the science fiction community. Boskone guests and participants include well-known authors, Hugo award winners and more. Curious about learning […]

The Book Launch Party at Boskone!

Boskone is excited to introduce its first ever Book Launch Party, which will be held from 7:30-9:00 pm on Saturday night in the Galleria Con Suite at the Westin Waterfront Hotel. Boskone Book Launch Party Day: Saturday, February 15th Time: 7:30-9:00 pm Location: Galleria Con Suite Authors & Publishers: If you have a new book that was (or […]

Boskone 51: Guest of Honor

This year’s Guest of Honor (GoH) is Seanan Mcguire/Mira Grant! From Hugo-nominated novels to award winning filk to founding a Hugo-awarding winner podcast, our community is lucky to have her on our side. Check out her Reddit AMA from November 2013 As Seanan (pronounced SHAWN-in), she has written over 11 books published and a new […]

Fresh Faces and Old Friends Coming to Boskone

Boskone has terrific speakers this year, many of whom are not from the Boston area as well as many who are participating in programming for the first time. We also have several old friends who have returned to Boskone after a few years absence and others who are joining us as our special guests. Be […]

The 2014 Boskone Schedule is Up!

Can’t wait to start planning your Boskone? Great news, the Boskone schedule is up! Take a look at your favorite authors, panel topics and more. Available by day, by panelist and in multiple downloadable formats. Get your Boskone membership today.

At Boskone–Vandals of the Void: The Chelyabinsk Meteor Strike of 2013

Science is on tap at Boskone this year with a fascinating discussion between Boskone’s Hal Clement Science Speaker Bill Higgins and Jesuit astronomer Brother Guy Consolmagno…and they have meteors on their minds! Vandals of the Void: The Chelyabinsk Meteor Strike of 2013 One year ago, a window-shattering shock wave injured 1400 Russians and startled the world. […]

Horror at Boskone!

Boskone may be a science fiction and fantasy convention, but did you know we also have some fantastic horror programing? Here’s one of of horror panels that is sure to make you think twice about turning off the bedroom light at night. Great Ghost Stories, Fri 9:00-9:50 pm Out on the fringe, the living and […]

Helpful Tips for Boskone Moderators

Conventions like Boskone are events with many moving parts. One of those parts, perhaps the most visible part, is the Program. In order to pull off Boskone, a dedicated team of volunteers comes together every year to organize hundreds of program items from panels to solo talks, signings, kaffeeklatsches, and more. However, one of the […]

Need a bite to eat?

Updates to the Restaurant Guide have been posted. For your convenience there is also Google map to help make finding directions a snap. [googlemaps,-71.05442&spn=0.029657,0.04416&output=embed&w=425&h=350] During the con, hard copies of the restaurant guide, as well as sample take-out menus, can be found at Information.

One week left to pre-register

If you’re coming to Boskone 51, save yourself some cash and pre-register by Jan. 22 and take advantage of the following membership rates: Adult full convention: $50 College student full convention: $35 (school ID required) K-12 full convention: $25 (school ID may be required) Added bonus: Pre-registering generally saves you time in the Registration line, […]